Engineering Resources
A collection of high-quality resources for software engineers and computer scientists. From essential tools to in-depth learning materials, find everything you need to level up your engineering journey.
Getting Started

Don't Ask to Ask
Explains why you should just ask your question instead of asking if you can ask.
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Guide on how to ask technical questions effectively.

No Hello
Please don't say just hello in chat.
The XY Problem
The XY Problem is a common issue in software development where a developer asks for help with a problem, but instead of providing the specific issue they're facing, they explain the broader context or the solution they've already tried.
Git & Version Control

Oh Shit, Git!?!
Helps you out of your Git messes.

Dangit, Git!?!
A swear free version of Oh Shit, Git!?!
Learn Git Branching
Interactive tool for mastering Git branching and merging.
Best Practices & Wisdom

Grug Brain Developer
A humorous take on software development principles.

eXtreme Go Horse (XGH) Process
A satirical software development methodology that humorously captures common anti-patterns.
Developer Tools

Stack Overflow
Q&A platform for programmers.
Custom keyboard configurator.
Coding Challenges

Practice coding interview questions.

Advent of Code
Annual coding challenge during December.
CS Foundations

Big-O Cheat Sheet
Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science.

CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
Harvard's popular introductory course to computer science.
Career Prep
Tech Interview Handbook
Carefully curated free content to help you ace your next technical interview.
We're always looking for valuable resources to add to this list. If you know of a great tool, article, or resource that could benefit new engineers and computer scientists, we'd love to hear about it!
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